Tuesday, February 15, 2011

chapter 2,3,4 questions

1. what is social science?
A. any discipline descriptively focused on some aspect of how human society started and continues to function and develop.
b.an academic discipline that is interested in creating knowledge and applying that knowledge to engineer improvement
c. development of optimal policies for the disposal of troubled properties.
d. an ongoing descriptive effort within a scientific community that is sccumulating knowledge by conducting research suggested by its paradigm.

2. What is a theory?
a. a system of beliefs
B. a formal statement of what a research community believes to be true and sets out to support by finding corroborating evidence. What everyone agrees to be true.
c. the general outline of the components and interactions that a paradigm would need to direct descriptive research and product knowledge.
d.evaluating gatherd data to help determine whether the data support or fail to support the accuracy of research hypothesis.

3.What is a hypothesis?

A. a statement f belief suggested by fundemental theory

b. a theoretical underpinning of the real estate financial paradigm adopted from economics and finance that holds that prices on assets traded in real estate markets reflect all knowable information therefore individuals connot consistently outperform the market.

c. a paradigm adopted from economics that holds that humans operating in real state markets are logical, egocentric, perfectly informed decision makers wholly capable of making wealth-maximizing decisions

d.The idea pioneered by Herbert Simon that when making judgements and decisions humans are bounded by their information processing limitations.

4. What is the information processing theory?

a.Mental short cuts when making judgments and decisions due to limitations with human processing and short term memory.

b. The idea pioneered by Herbert Simon that when making judgements and decisions humans are bounded by their information processing limitations.

C. the mind is an information processor with a limited capacity.

d. evaluating gatherd data to help determine whether the data support or fail to support the accuracy of research hypothesis.

5. What is Heuristics?

A. Mental short cuts when making judgments and decisions due to limitations with human processing and short term memory.

b. the general outline of the components and interactions that a paradigm would need to direct descriptive research and product knowledge.

c. a research finding not suggested by theory and therefore not expected.

d. the output of descriptive research that is consistent with suggestive theory. What everyone agrees to be true.

True/ False

1. Knowledge is the output of descriptive research that is consistent with suggestive theory. What everyone agrees to be true.

A- True

2. An anomalous fact is an approach or technique used in descriptive research to turn beliefs into knowledge.

A- False

correct answer- a research finding not suggested by theory and therefore not expected.

Chapter 3 Questions

1. What is the Gut Feeling?
A. the expression that people use when explaining the decision making step in an ill-defined problem

b.understanding the problem

c. a large data base of memory the relatively quicker and “smart link” to semantic information developed by expert or experienced problem solvers.

d. an error in human judgemtn that people make regularly resulting from the limitations for the two stage human information processing system.

2. What is a systematic error?

a. a larger chunk of information developed by experienced problem solvers to develop a more efficient means of human information problem solving

B. an error in human judgemtn that people make regularly resulting from the limitations for the two stage human information processing system.

c. solving the problem

d.the complex external environment n which the decision maker operates.

3. What is a nested chunk?

a. a theory that recognizes a human problem is the interaction between the task environment and the human information problem solving system.

b. a large data base of memory the relatively quicker and “smart link” to semantic information developed by expert or experienced problem solvers.

c. an error in human judgemtn that people make regularly resulting from the limitations for the two stage human information processing system.

D.a larger chunk of information developed by experienced problem solvers to develop a more efficient means of human information problem solving,

4. What is a language interpreter?

a.the expression that people use when explaining the decision making step in an ill-defined problem.

b. acts as a filter between the task environment and the human problem solving system and has size and speed limitations that leads to judgmental bias.

C.understanding the problem

d. a large data base of memory the relatively quicker and “smart link” to semantic information developed by expert or experienced problem solvers

5. what is the task environment?

A. the complex external environment n which the decision maker operates.

b. a large data base of memory the relatively quicker and “smart link” to semantic information developed by expert or experienced problem solvers.

c. acts as a filter between the task environment and the human problem solving system and has size and speed limitations that leads to judgmental bias.

d.a larger chunk of information developed by experienced problem solvers to develop a more efficient means of human information problem solving,

True / False

1. The problem space is solving the problem at hanf.

A- True

2. Simon's two state theory of human processing is a theory that recognizes a human problem is the interaction between the task environment and the human information problem solving system.

A- True

Chapter 4 questions

1. What is the bid-rent curve?

A. a diagram of the maximum prices a market participant is willing to pay across different property locations ( accessibility or distance from the village marketplace or central location).

b. a job in an industry that serves the local population’s needs.

c. employment in business and industries that are most important to an economic base and are directly responsible for an area’s competitive advantage.

d. the effect of companies and people in a close proximity this affects networking and economies of scale.

2. What is spatial economics?

a.the important location characteristics of a site.

B.the economic relationships over space

c.the relationship or ratio of nonbasic to basic employment in a defined area.

d.the effect of companies and people in a close proximity this affects networking and economies of scale.

3. what is the land value gradient?

a.the effect of companies and people in a close proximity this affects networking and economies of scale.

b.a job in an industry that serves the local population’s needs.

C. is made up of all the bid-rent curves in a particular market.

d.the relationship or ratio of nonbasic to basic employment in a defined area.

4. What is non basic employment?

A. a job in an industry that serves the local population’s needs.

b.the relationship or ratio of nonbasic to basic employment in a defined area.

c.employment in business and industries that are most important to an economic base and are directly responsible for an area’s competitive advantage.

d.a diagram of the maximum prices a market participant is willing to pay across different property locations ( accessibility or distance from the village marketplace or central location).

5. what is basic employment?

A.employment in business and industries that are most important to an economic base and are directly responsible for an area’s competitive advantage.

b.a job in an industry that serves the local population’s needs.

c.the relationship or ratio of nonbasic to basic employment in a defined area.

d.the effect of companies and people in a close proximity this affects networking and economies of scale.

True/ False

1. Economics of agglomeration is a diagram of the maximum prices a market participant is willing to pay across different property locations ( accessibility or distance from the village marketplace or central location).

A- False

Correct answer-the effect of companies and people in a close proximity this affects networking and economies of scale

2. Situs is the important location characteristics of a site.

A- true

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