Monday, May 9, 2011

Chapter 11

1) Government provides only public services including education and rail road.

True / False

2) Tax digest is the total amount of taxable property value of all taxable real estate withing the country.

True / False

3) The assessor determined value used to calculate property taxes is called assessed value.

True / False

4) The milage rate is a rate 1/10,000.

True / False

5) When e.g. a book store is located beside a hospital it is called “odd-ball”.

True / False

6) A comprehensive plan contains of following except

a) Transportation and circulation

b) Public education and recreation

c) Private utilities

d) Overall land-use plan and population conservation

7) Zoning is the creation of geographical areas and does not include

a) Agriculture

b) Forestry

c) Low density residential

d) Commercial

8) Zoning relief includes

a) Administrative

b) Legislative

c) Judicial

d) All of the above


False, True, False, False, True, c), b), d)

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