Monday, January 30, 2012

Chapter 4 Location, Location, Location: The Spatial Dimension

by: Mario Jauregui

True or False
Locations are as old as time and have historical, political, cultural, and sentimental histories.


Multiple Choice
Land value is a function of ___________________________. Another way to refer to it would be “location, location, location”.
            Land Rent
            Site Accessibility
            Spatial Economics
            Bid-Rent Curve

Site Accessibility

True or False
Usually, development has a pattern and a reason farmers, homeowners, developers, and investors choose specified locations, that reason is economics.


True or False
An area’s competitive advantage is important to sustaining and growing an economic base.


True or False
Employment in businesses and industries that are most important and directly responsible for an area’s competitive advantage is called economic base.

FALSE: It is called Basic (or export) EMPLOYMENT

Multiple Choice
Jobs in industries that are considered to serve the local population’s needs are called ____________________________.
            Basic (or export) Employment
            Basic Employment Multiplier
            Nonbasic (or population serving) Employment
            Local Population Jobs

Nonbasic (or population serving) Employment

Multiple Choice
An urban growth model that emphasizes the importance of major transportation corridors in urban development. Development occurs first and is densest near these primary transportation routes.

            Axial (or radial) Growth Model
            Multiple Nuclei Concept
            Concentric Circle Growth
            Sector (or wedge) Growth Model

Axial (or radial) Growth Model

True or False
The urban growth models are not just academic exercises. If you can identify and understand how a city grows, you have the potential to make good development decisions.


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