Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chapter 4 Location, Location, Location question and answers Houa Vang

 1. What is the order of the thunen ring diagram.
a.       Land Rent, Land Value, Accessibility
b.      Accessibility, Land Rent, Land Value
c.        Land Value, Accessibility, Land Rent
d.      Land Value, Land Rent,  Accessibility
2 2. Spatial economics is the study of ____________, relationships over __________.
a.       Economic, Space
b.      Space, Economic.
c.       Land Rent, Land Value
d.      Land Value, Land Rent
3. 3. What is urban economics.
a.       Study of urban area, urban spatial structural and the location of households and firms.
b.      Studying the benefits, including economies of scales and networking effects of companies.
c.       The study urban competitive advantage that attract residents and businesses.
d.      The study of potential employers to an area.
4.      4. (T/F) The reason developments of urban areas seem to grow and thrive and some seem to decline is contributed by competitive advantages such as skilled and educated workforce, transportation, and climate.
5.      5. (T/F) Attitude and leadership is not one of the competitive advantage contribute to development of urban areas.
6.      6. (T/F) Urban Growth Models is an urban growth model in which cities grow in and outward direction from the CBD in pie-shaped wedges.
7.      7. (T/F) The key to local economy is the health and prospects, present and future, of the economic base.
8.      8. (T/F) concentric circle growth model is the growth of commercial and industrial and sector (or wedge) growth models are growth model for residential

1     1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) T, 5) F, 6) F, 7) T, 8) T,

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