Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Writing Center

The Writing Center is open for your students to use its services M-TH 9-4 and F 10-2.  It it located in the Ed Bldg 184.

Twenty-five well-trained tutors are available this semester to help student writers at any stage of the writing process:

 -understanding and getting started on assignments: Students can come even before they have done any writing. Tutors will help them understand the demands of an assignment, review the knowledge they have, brainstorm and set them on the way of writing a draft
 -expanding, clarifying and re-organizing drafts: Once they have a draft (no matter how skimpy or provisional or rough), tutors will give writers feedback on what works and what doesn't, and will help them negotiate revision
 -correcting and polishing final drafts: At the last stage of the writing process, tutors will prioritize and point out patterns of grammatical or mechanical errors and help writers learn how to correct and avoid them.

The Writing Center has three kinds of services:

1.    semester-long group tutorials—for those students who will have a lot of writing assginemnts and/or who want to learn in small groups how to read and evaluate drafts, give and receive feedback, take their drafts through multiple revisions, etc. These tutorial groups provide deep, semester-long learning that affects students’ behaviors and knowledge as writers and readers. The time to sign up for these is during the first weeks of the semester (before 2/13)
2.    walk-in and by-appointement one-on-one tutorials—these are offered throughout the semester and help students with particular assignments
3.    on-line tutorials—students submit their drafts and receive comprehensive feedback via email

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