Matthew Seely
I when I do a search for “Homes
for sale in Fresno” the first two websites that come up (That are not paid ads)
are Zillow and Trulia, both of these sites will help people with getting some of the
sales and value information. The major problem
with this is that the homes may not be comparable, meaning that they may be
bigger in square footage or have a bigger lot, more garaged spaces; there could
be a big list of why they would not be comprable. Let’s do a little test to see where
we’re going to be at. I will do a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) using the
MLS and then we will use the other web sites to compare what we come up with.
For this CMA we will use one of the
listings on the market.
Address: 961 N Safford Ave, Fresno, CA
Listing Price: 110,000
MLS Price: I would have to say that this
listing is on the high side depending on what the client wanted to do with the
property. The information that I gathered from the MLS; High price for the sold
homes in the area is 118,000, the Median is 91,500 the low is 61,846. That
being said I would really have to look at the property to make sure that it’s
in the condition that could justify that price. I would say if someone wanted to live
in this property we may try and offer a little less but overall think that it’s
a fair price.
According to Zillow the property
is not for sale. The information that they have on the property looks like it
matches what the tax records show (Ex. The property square footage, lot size,
year built and bedroom/bathrooms.) The big problem is that according to Zillow
they are saying that their “Zestimate is 75,339” I think that this evaluation
is way off. I think at the conservative
level it should be at 99,000 to 100,000 in the low, low range, given the comps and
Website did things a little differently
than Zillow, but there information was up to date. When I put in the address,
the listing did come up. They show the listing price and the same pictures
that are on the MLS listing. As far as any type of property evaluation in my opinion
they are using informative but to broad set of data. They are using three types; the
Fresno High area 100,000, 93728 zip code 78,500 and Fresno average price at
154,000. So this gives people an idea what the market is doing compared to the
home, but they are not giving accurate data around the house it’s self. which is more important when you are looking at one particular property.If we just looked at the zip code data people would think that this house way over
we can see by the data, that without a Realtor, it’s hard for people to get
accurate data for properties. There are a few other web sites that I like
people to use for their property searches. The first one is I have
found that this site has the most up to date information about listings. This
is because the website was created by the association of Realtors. This means
that the data and information is good information. gives a lot of
information about buying and selling homes as well, not just listings.
all the data that is out there we have to make sure that we get the most correct
information that we can for our clients. That’s why it’s so important to use a
Realtor when you’re thinking about buying or selling a home. I know where it the bad information comes
from now I can help stop it so my clients don’t become misinformed. I think
sometimes it’s better to have no information rather than bad information when
it comes to Real Estate.
Matthew Seely
Yahoo!- Zillow, Real Estate
Network 2006-2013 Zillow
Copyright © 2013 Trulia, Inc. All
rights reserved® is the official site
of the National Association of REALTORS® and is operated by Move, Inc.
D Siler Solutions 2013
MLS CMA provided by Matthew M
Seely, Lic# 01433903 / D Siler Solutions Lic # 01908055
Phone 559-349-3290
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