Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chapter 3

1. A problem space is a component of short-term memory responsible for understanding the problem.

True / False

2. The short-term memory is a system with a great capacity to store information.

True / False

3. Bias are common, systematic errors in human information problem solving caused by heuristic behaviors of humans.

True / False

4. Real estate is a sub item of finance.

True / False

5. Short-term memory connects the task environment and the long-term memory.

True / False

6. A component of short-term memory responsible for understanding the problem.

a) Language translator

b) Language interpreter

c) Language learner

d) Language teacher

7. The two-stage theory of human information processing is from

a) Simon

b) Alvin

c) Newell

d) both a) and c)

8. An error in human judgement that people make regularly, resulting from the limitations of the two-stage human information processing system.

a) systematic error

b) logical error

c) regular error

d) consistent error


True, False, True, True, True, b), d), a)

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